The College uniform has changed rapidly since the founding of ¾Ã¾Ã¾«Æ· in 1904. In 1932, students started to wear a uniform which began as a bottle green blazer and skirt and that colour palette was used until 2015. That year, the College introduced the beautiful ruby and charcoal uniform that you see our students all proudly wearing today.
In VCE, students have the option to purchase a black jumper, which highlights their seniority at the College.
New Uniforms
Our uniform supplier for many years has been Bob Stewarts’ Uniform Shop. You can find this store conveniently located in close proximity to the College in Mentone at 93 Balcombe Road.
The store can be contacted on +61 3 9036 7367
Trading Hours: Monday to Thursday (8.30am to 5.00pm) and Saturday (9.30am to 12.30pm)
Second Hand Uniforms
We do not operate a second-hand uniform shop at the College.
We recommend that families use the Sustainable School Shop which is an Australian website where second-hand textbooks, uniforms, calculators and musical instruments can be bought and sold. A number of ¾Ã¾Ã¾«Æ· families are already using this platform which has become very popular across Australia in recent years.
NB: This service is run externally and not facilitated by the College.

New Books
For new college textbooks, please either visit Campion Books located at 232-236 Wickham Road, Moorabbin or alternatively you can order online.
Second Hand Books
If you would like to purchase books second hand (or sell old ones), visit the Sustainable School Shop below or download further information.
NB: This service is run externally and not facilitated by the College.